how the hell are you a lesbian if you have a video of yourself sucking the dicks of two guys?
have you no fucking respect for real lesbians?
don't fucking lie and use the lesbian identity as some kind of gimmick to attract the attention of drooling guys on some fucking porn site. that is the height of disrespectfulness and shitty, sexist and homophobic behaviour
it's no wonder lesbians aren't taken seriously when people like you are around to enforce harmful stereotypes
Ta copine est ravissante, tu as beaucoup de chance.
il aura toujour des connard pour critiquer le mieux tu les bloques et tu continue à prendre ton pied à faire ce que tu aime j'ai fais pas mal de rencontre sur ce site beaucoup de faux profil de mecs qui se font passer pour leur nana mais dont le seul but est de faire passer pour pute leur ex qui les à quitter je me fais pas d'illusion je suis pas un mec top canon monte comme rocco mais j'ai une bonne vie sexuelle et rien que pour les belles rencontres que j'ai faites les amis que je me suis fait et les bon plans culs aussi on oublie vite tous ces connard et connasses car il y en a frustre et jaloux carpe diem dans le respect de chacun
Why do I say you made a mistake? Because you put a video with no actual lesbian stuff in it in the lesbian category maybe? Let me put it this way, if you disregarded the fact that this video was made by some creepy guy supposedly about lesbians, would anyone ever know this was a lesbian video? No, you couldn't. So the content of the video isn't actually lesbian, is it? So why the hell put it in the lesbian category? It makes NO sense.
There's just some kind of personal backstory about the clip that people who are just browsing the lesbian section and don't know you and your little groups of cronies will care about. If you're going to use the site as your own personal in-group playground, at least respect the rest of us enough to categorize your videos sensibly and correct.
Aline, elle es superbe et Gezgin lui fait l'apologie de ses yeux bleu avec une belle musique !!. Maintenant la grenadière(lol) de quoi se mêle t'elle ?? Son profil n'est même pas ouvert pour savoir ce qu'il y à dessus !! Bisous. .
have you no fucking respect for real lesbians?
don't fucking lie and use the lesbian identity as some kind of gimmick to attract the attention of drooling guys on some fucking porn site. that is the height of disrespectfulness and shitty, sexist and homophobic behaviour
it's no wonder lesbians aren't taken seriously when people like you are around to enforce harmful stereotypes
fuck you
There's just some kind of personal backstory about the clip that people who are just browsing the lesbian section and don't know you and your little groups of cronies will care about. If you're going to use the site as your own personal in-group playground, at least respect the rest of us enough to categorize your videos sensibly and correct.
Maintenant la grenadière(lol) de quoi se mêle t'elle ?? Son profil n'est même pas ouvert pour savoir ce qu'il y à dessus !!